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The Designer's Toolbox

APLD California Chapter Advocacy and Sustainability Update by Cheryl Buckwalter

Working with Grades in Landscape Design by Chris Grampp

Problem Solving in the Landscape: Hillsides Designs by Shawn Maestretti

Working with Slopes Case Study by Steve Turner

Designer Picks: Best plants for holding a slope.

Member Highlights

Sloped Landscapes Around the State:
1. Nicholas Walker, FAPLD
2. Patricia St. John, FAPLD
3. Ann Rosemarin, FAPLD
4. Amelia Lima, FAPLD
5. Debbie Gliksman, APLD
6. Tom Rau and Marilee Kuhlman
7. Holly Selvig
8. Eileen Kelly

A Regenerative Relationship in Pasadena with Studio Petrichor

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