Francesca Corra, APLD

As I sit writing this, two momentous things are happening. First, it is raining like crazy in Southern California; I can only hope that the slopes hold on my current projects, most especially in the burn areas. Aside from those concerns, it feels absolutely glorious!

The second is that our country is presently laying to rest our 41st President, George H.W. Bush. No, I am not getting political here. Everyone who is watching, though, whether live or on the news, or reading online, cannot help but hear of the impressive life of service that this man gave to his country. As I was listening to the eulogies, I quickly grabbed a pen and copied this quote: “He strongly believed that it was important to give back to the community and the country in which one lived. He recognized that serving others enriched the giver’s soul.”

Since the theme of this issue is ‘Giving Back’, I thought it appropriate to share that quote here. In this issue, we honor those who serve, and we encourage those who are looking to serve to consider what you can contribute to APLD and your local community.

When I first started my business, I was well aware of my inexperience and lack of knowledge. To be honest, I kind of felt bad for anyone that might hire me. I needed to do everything possible to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible. I decided the best way to gain experience was to donate my services. Who could really complain then, right? I volunteered for my local Beautification Association. I learned so much, from the process of preparing detailed plans for city approval, dealing with local political figures, and getting involved in a myriad of other ways with my community and local businesses.

I also joined APLD at the suggestion of my landscape design teacher and almost immediately got involved with the district board by assisting the Membership Chair. The knowledge I have gained from my fellow designers and our generous sponsors is immeasurable.

APLD is a community, and by getting involved you gain a greater connection. We are also a multi-layered community. Our districts form a chapter, which is then part of a national whole.  Which is why we invited Naomi Goodman to share about Advocacy on the national level. Advocating for the profession of Landscape Design is one of the most important things we do and it does not stop at the California border. Across the country, we share bonds with other designers and those bonds strengthen us.

By volunteering, I have been enriched both personally and professionally. I have always felt that I get back so much more than what I give. My return has been immense, which is why I do not feel bad asking someone to help out. I know that I am really doing them a favor.

Do yourself a favor. Start by coming to one event if you have not already.   

Here’s to a Better Than Ever Year 2019!