Design by Joel Berlin, CPLD. Photo by Janet Bark Photography.


Designing today’s gardens
for tomorrow’s California.


Martin G. Carrion van Rijn


Greetings APLD CA colleagues,

We are at time of the year when we are all extremely busy, balancing our time between developing designs for clients, managing installations, furthering our professional practice by educating ourselves by attending webinars presented by APLD CA, districts, National and most likely other organizations, all this on top of our family life and other activities.

All of this, I know, is a bit daunting and stressful at times, I therefore have great respect for all our Landscape designer colleagues who do all of this and more, with an upbeat constructive attitude.

If there is something I have learnt from being part of APLD is that by getting involved, either by attending APLD programs or furthermore, becoming part of a District or chapter board, one definitely becomes better informed on current trends and practices in the profession, I know my practice changed dramatically when I joined APLD and fortunately, it continues to do so, ever evolving and expanding, for which I am very grateful to all of you who have and continue to make it possible. 

I therefore encourage members to participate in events or with boards, as much as they can, in whatever form they may be able to, I know the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

I feel all APLD CA districts and Chapter chairs have been doing an amazing job, we have all been quite busy with many subjects, promoting the profession of Landscape design; in accordance to APLD’s mission; and therefore, I am very excited with what is happening at APLD CA and CA Districts right now and highly recommend you all to see the updates of all what the working groups have been developing for our members in California and if possible, to get involved, we make each other better.

Wishing you a productive season.

May you enjoy this issue of California Landscape Design,

Martin G. Carrion van Rijn