by Suzanne Arca, APLD, ASLA, CLCAArca Design Group, Albany, CAAPLD Bay Area District Member

by Suzanne Arca, APLD, ASLA, CLCA
Arca Design Group, Albany, CA
APLD Bay Area District Member


For nearly 40 years Suzanne has been designing, building and maintaining beautiful residential and commercial landscapes in the San Francisco Bay Area. Suzanne has shared her knowledge with others as a lecturer at Merritt College and the UC Extension Landscape Architecture Department.

Suzanne’s  desire to make the most of every square inch of planting space in the many small urban gardens she has designed, lead her to experiment with the ancient art of espalier (training woody plants against a flat surface). Here are a few of her favorite plants to espalier.


Citrus limon, ‘Improved Meyer Lemon’

Malus domestica, APPLE

Michelia yunnanensis ‘Inspriation’ INSPIRATION MICHELIA

Eriobotrya deflexa, BRONZE LOQUAT

Griselinia lucida, PUKA

Camellia sasanqua, SUN CAMELIA

Loropetalum chinense, CHINESE FRINGE FLOWER

Pyracantha  coccinea, SCARLET FIRETHORN

Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’ LITTLE GEM SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA

Ficus carica, FIG

Camellia sasanqua SUN CAMELIA.
Photo courtesy of Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery.

Camellia sasanqua SUN CAMELIA.
Photo courtesy of Arca Design Group.

Eriobotrya deflexa BRONZE LOQUAT.
Photo courtesy of Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery.


Ficus carica FIG.
Photo courtesy of Mary Fisher.


Griselinia lucida PUKA.
Photo courtesy of Mary Fisher.


Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’ LITTLE GEM SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA.
Photo courtesy of Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery.


Malus domestica APPLE.
Photo courtesy of Mary Fisher.